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Džoistika poga der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:


2,90 Euro

Joystic button. Replacement part for mobile phone.

1,40 Euro

Joystic button. Replacement part for mobile phone.

1,50 Euro
Out of stock

Džoistiks (kursorsvira) mobilajiem telefoniem.Nomaiņu uzticiet speciālistam.Testēts rūpnīcā.

Džoistiks der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:


Siemens:C65, CX65, CX70, M65, S65, Nokia N90, E50


2,90 Euro

Džoistiks (kursorsvira) mobilajiem telefoniem.Nomaiņu uzticiet speciālistam.Testēts rūpnīcā.

Džoistiks der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:

2,90 Euro

Džoistiks (kursorsvira) mobilajiem telefoniem.Nomaiņu uzticiet speciālistam.Testēts rūpnīcā.

Džoistiks der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:
Siemens:C65, CX65, CX70, M65, S65, Nokia N90, E50, Motorola E398

2,90 Euro
Replaicement Joystick button for Siemens S65
1,40 Euro
Out of stock

Joystick switch for mobile phones. Made from high quality materials and fully tested.

2,20 Euro

Joystick for Nokia 5610XM

4,30 Euro

Džoistiks (kursorsvira) mobilajiem telefoniem.Nomaiņu uzticiet speciālistam.Testēts rūpnīcā.

Džoistiks der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:

2,90 Euro

Joystick switch for mobile phones. Made from high quality materials and fully tested.

2,15 Euro
Out of stock
Joystick for Nokia N91
2,90 Euro

Džoistiks (kursorsvira) daudziem mobilajiem telefoniem.Nomaiņu uzticiet speciālistam.Testēts rūpnīcā.

Džoistiks der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:
Siemens:C65, CX65, CX70, M65, S65, Nokia N90, E50, Motorola E398

2,90 Euro
Out of stock

Džoistiks (kursorsvira) daudziem ERICSSON mobilajiem telefoniem.Nomaiņu uzticiet speciālistam.Testēta rūpnīcā.

Džoistiks der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:
Sony Ericsson:K300, K310, W700, J200, K500, K700, K750, T300, T68

2,90 Euro
Out of stock

Džoistiks (kursorsvira) mobilajiem telefoniem.Nomaiņu uzticiet speciālistam.Testēts rūpnīcā.

Džoistiks der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:
Nokia: 6020, 6021

2,20 Euro
Out of stock

Džoistiks (kursorsvira)mobilajiem telefoniem.Nomaiņu uzticiet speciālistam.Testēts rūpnīcā.

Džoistiks der sekojošiem mobilo telefonu modeļiem:
Nokia: N70

2,20 Euro
Out of stock

Keboard chip 16 pin.

2,15 Euro

Keboard chip 24pin.

2,20 Euro
Out of stock

Keboard chip 25pin.

2,20 Euro


3,60 Euro
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
1,40 Euro
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
4,30 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

4,30 Euro
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
1,50 Euro
Out of stock

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

4,30 Euro
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
1,40 Euro
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
3,60 Euro
Out of stock
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
3,60 Euro
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
2,20 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

3,60 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

4,30 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

2,20 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

3,60 Euro
Out of stock

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

2,80 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

2,80 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

3,60 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

2,80 Euro

High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.

3,60 Euro
Out of stock
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
1,40 Euro
High quality replacing keypad.Perfect as a replacement for a lost or damaged keypad, or simply upgrade your keypad to use the new.
1,50 Euro
Out of stock

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